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A course in discovering and recovering your Creative Self


W  E  L  C  O  M  E

Come and join
an Artist's Way Circle
a group that meets
once a week for 12 weeks
as we go through 
one chapter per week of

by Julia Cameron

We will share our journey into finding our creative “Voice”
whether it expresses itself through painting, singing,
dancing, sculpting
or just finding a new career

Get ready for an exciting adventure,
that will open new doors to
your creative expression
and to Your Life!


TAW welcome
T  E  A  C  H  E  R

Sharon Gainsburg will outline the process,
so you actually get through the book and be on your way
to Discovering and Recovering your Creativity!


All you have to do is read 1 chapter a week,
journal every day, complete an artist date every week
and show up for our meetings. Simple!

There will be a discussion of the chapter each week.
No journaling notes will be read in class.
Some of the topics to be discussed at workshop, include:


Shadow artist

Self criticism





Sense of connection

Artist's Way


"...Get your life in balance. Sharon will reconnect you with your Creative Self. "

- D. Yves Snell, Founder of the Global Leadership Institute 
Board Member of the
Center for Advanced Coaching

TAW Teacher
T e s t i m o n i a l s
TAW Testimonials

“For each of us in our respective life journeys, there are times when we need a Guiding Light, an Exemplar, to motivate and inspire us to reflect, renew and revitalize our creative spirit.
Sharon Gainsburg is an incredible Exemplar, Coach and Guiding Light.
Get your Life in Balance – Sharon will Re-connect you with YOUR creative self!”

- D. Yves Snell,
Founder of the Global Leadership Institute
Board Member of the Center for Advanced Coaching


Artist's Way



I n f o r m a t i o n
Get ready for an exciting adventure,
that will open new doors
to your creative expression
and to Your Life!
We will learn how to nurture ourselves
and create that happiness for ourselves
and tap into our creative talents,
that we were all born with. 
Develop valuable and useful tools,
that will spur your imagination,
create passion in your life
and support you in manifesting
more of what you really want in your life.
To Register and for all questions,
please Email Sharon Gainsburg below

Thanks! Message sent.

W H A T :
The Artist's Way program

W H E N : 
Once a week
12 weeks total

W H E R E :

Gainsburg Studio Gallery
1533 W Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102

F E E :
$360 For the full course
A $75 deposit to reserve your spot

"The Artist's Way" book
by Julia Cameron,
a journal and a pen.
TAW Information

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All Rights Reserved.
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